Arm body shred video 15 min
Arm body shred video 15 min

I am not a spokesperson for Hungry Girl but I have been receiving her newsletter and buying her cookbooks for years. As a side note, if you are interested in losing weight while doing this (or any other program) and need a sustainable meal plan that is not expensive, not complicated and still yummy and filling? Hungry Girl is the answer. Each recipe has a nutritional break down. You can pick and chose among the recipes and create your own meal plan. She gives you a meal plan using her recipes but she also gives you guidelines–women should eat around 1400 calories and men around 1600 calories.

arm body shred video 15 min

It does have some yummy looking recipes in it and I may try a few, but overall, too complicated for me. Jillian is all about organic whole foods after all.

#Arm body shred video 15 min full

The meal plan is beautiful and full of pictures of amazing looking food that most people don’t have the time or money to prepare. It ends with some tips as well as pictures of the trainers who are featured in the workouts. She discusses the benefits of BodyShred then talks about the individual workouts and how you will approach them. Very detailed, breaking down how this program works–all of the scientific talk broken down for a layman. The program comes with 11 workouts, a DVD that introduces the cast and teaches some of the moves, a Fitness Guide, a meal plan, a rotation calendar and a sweat towel. This is not a cheap program btw, but this is Jillian Michaels we are talking about, so I felt she would deliver a program worth the cost. Just like with Body Revolution, the materials that come with BodyShred look like a lot of time and thought went into designing and creating a quality program.

arm body shred video 15 min

In the Fitness Guide that comes with the program Jillian describes this system as a “hybrid of the most cutting-edge fitness philosophies integrated into one comprehensive system that targets every muscle in the body with every fitness modality–all in one workout.” All of the workouts are around 30 minutes and they use Jillian’s signature 3-2-1 method: 3 minutes of resistance training, 2 minutes of HIIT and 1 minute of active recovery core moves. So it follows that BodyShred starts at an advanced level (this is written before doing any of the workouts, so see summary below about my thoughts after doing all the workouts). And the advanced phase was no joke, very challenging. Body Revolution had 3 stages–beginner, intermediate and advanced. But I am up for the challenge! BodyShred is the next step after Body Revolution. I have been very impatiently awaiting Jillian’s BodyShred program! And now that I own it, I look at it with some trepidation.

Arm body shred video 15 min